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Managing Reactions in Acne Treatment


Dermal Diagnosis by Dermal Health Science

Select your treatment category below to display the reaction management strategies.


You are on the DermExcel Acne regimen and experience redness. 

First, we would like to reassure you that redness is completely normal and to be expected. The redness is most likely caused by chemical exfoliators that form part of your treatment regimen. Salicylic acid - The main chemical exfoliator in your Acne Treatment Plan.


You are on the DermExcel Acne regimen and experience flaking or peeling 

First, we would like to reassure you that peeling / flaking skin is completely normal and to be expected. The peeling is most likely caused by chemical exfoliators that form part of your treatment regimen. Salicylic acid - The main chemical exfoliator in your Acne Treatment Plan.

When starting on a skin treatment plan that contains active ingredients, especially in the form of chemical exfoliators, periodic peeling and flaking skin will occur because of the functions and mechanisms of actions explained above. Salicylic acid disrupts cellular junctions to exfoliate dead skin cells.


You are on the DermExcel Acne regimen and experience stinging / burning.

Chemical exfoliator active ingredients and retinoids might sting, and in that particular case, they're supposed to. Tingling and stinging from these types of active ingredients are to be expected and even beneficial if it is for a short period.

The stinging is a result of immediate inflammation and then skin peeling. This reaction encourages new collagen growth and cellular renewal. However, there is a delicate balance. Skincare products should not cause prolonged burning and irritation. If your stinging and burning sensation lasts longer than 1 minute and your skin feels sensitive and uncomfortable, you probably over-exfoliate your skin and should hit the pause button, or at least the slow-motion button.